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How to become a PAAO-YO

  1.  First you must be under 40 years old and an ophthalmologist or “in training” in ophthalmology.
  2. Go to and become a PAAO member. On the form it will ask you your birth year. If you are under 40 you will automatically become a PAAO-YO when you pay for your membership.
  3. Be sure to use the current 50% discount code DISCOVID2021

Benefits of Membership

Webinars & elearning

PAAO-YO virtual learning experience developed based on your needs as a YO.

Scholarships & Fellowships

PAAO-YO Membership gives you access to funds for extending your education

PAAO-YO Mentorship Program

PAAO-YO is collaborating with the ICO on a mentorship program creating connections between senior ophthalmologists and YOs

Networking opportunities

PAAO-YO is continually developing more ways for YOs to connect.  With social Media, this website, symposiums, networking events and even a special lounge at the congress you will be able to network and collaborate with YOs from around the world.

PAAO-YO International Publishing

PAAO-YO aims to help train young ophthalmologists on how to get published and to promote the PAAO-YO international publications in our website


PAAO-YO has partnered with the AAO to give PAAO-YOs the opportunity to publish articles on the AAO website as well as the PAAO-YO site

PAAO Discounts

PAAO-YOs receive 50% off their 2021 PAAO Membership (if paid in the first quarter of 2021) as well as discounts on asynchronous courses and others to be announced

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